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Students at NYU anti-Israel rally admit they don’t know what they’re protesting

Two Columbia University students have gone viral after admitting that they had no clue what the anti-Israel rally at NYU was about, after they went to join it. The students, who are unidentified, stood on the campus of NYU in downtown Manhattan as several NYPD officers in riot gear were seen in the background.
The footage was shared by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. One being asked about the purpose of the protest, one student admitted, “I think the main goal is just showing our support for Palestine and demanding that NYU stop … I honestly don’t know all of what NYU is doing.”
On being asked if there was “something NYU is doing,” the student said, “I really don’t know, I’m pretty sure they are…”
She turned to her friend and said, “Do you know what NYU is doing here?” The friend, who wore a mask, said, “About what?”
“About Israel. Why are we protesting, here at NYU specifically?” the student asked. The friend said, “I wish I was more educated.”
“I’m not either. I came from Columbia. I was there up at Columbia and we came down, they said NYU needed out support,” the first student said, adding, “I’ve heard there are lots of cops and people were saying it was getting dangerous.”
Many commented on Giuliani’s video, with one user saying, “This really is an example of Dumb and Dumber. Their parents must be so proud.” “They just want their protests participation trophies. If they truly knew what was going on would they even be there? These colleges are no longer teaching higher education, it’s all indoctrination. These students are being brainwashed and don’t even know it,” one user said, while another wrote, “They’re sheep. Just following the latest trend and can’t think for themselves.”
“Congratulations to all the parents out there who now know their children are protecting something but not sure what. Be embarrassed. Be very very embarrassed,” wrote a user. “They don’t even know!!! They just do what they’re told to fit in. Their lives are so empty and sad!” one user wrote, while another said, “The Ivy League “elite” ladies and gentlemen. The future of our country.”
